In The Wild

Lost in Little Moose

Episode Summary

The Little Moose Mountain Wilderness Area is in the western middle section of Adirondack Park, south by southeast of Seventh Lake in the Fulton  Chain. The area encompasses over 12,000 acres but is bordered on all sides by other regions of the Adirondack Park. If you were lost, wandering out of the region would not help facilitate a rescue, as you would still find yourself in the heart of the Adirondack wilderness. The Little Moose Wilderness was in the past and remains a little-visited region today. Very few tourists visit the area, as it is one of Adirondack Park's most remote and wilderness-like areas. 

Episode Notes

The Little Moose Mountain Wilderness Area is in the western middle section of Adirondack Park, south by southeast of Seventh Lake in the Fulton  Chain. The area encompasses over 12,000 acres but is bordered on all sides by other regions of the Adirondack Park. If you were lost, wandering out of the region would not help facilitate a rescue, as you would still find yourself in the heart of the Adirondack wilderness. The Little Moose Wilderness was in the past and remains a little-visited region today. Very few tourists visit the area, as it is one of Adirondack Park's most remote and wilderness-like areas.